FAX+49-69/450464 ( FAX records ) / Pete Namlook


FAX+49-69/450464 ( FAX records )
Pete Namlook

ウィキペディアによると、「 FAX+49-69/450464 ( FAXレーベル ) は、ドイツのレコードレーベル。主催者であるピート・ナムルックを中心に、テクノ、アンビエント、電子音楽作品を枚数限定で大量にリリースしている。レーベル名の由来は当時実際に使用されていたFAX番号から。かつてはフランクフルトに拠点を置いていたが、97年頃にナムルックがラインラント=プファルツ州のTraben-Trarbach(トラーベン・トラバッハ)へ移住すると共に移動した。」とある。今回主に紹介しているのは、ナムルック以外のアーティストに
よる作品がリリースされた型番PS08シリーズでの95-94年の作品で、セカンド・サマー・オブ・ラヴ・ムーブメント以降に生まれたアンビエント・ハウスでの、当時のクラブに於けるパーティピープルの乱痴気騒ぎに嫌気をさしたアーティストたちが、一斉にTHE KLFのアルバムChill Outにみられるエコとチルアウトへと傾れ込み、イギリスのライジングハイ ( Rishing High ) でのチルアウト・オア・ダイ ( Chill Out Or Die ) の文脈とパラレルに表
出したものだった ( このライジングハイからもDREAMFISH ( Pete Namlook & Mixmaster Morris ) / DREAMFISH ( RSN LP9 ) などがリリースされていた) 。この時代のアンビエントハウスは,イーノのアンビエントや現在のダークアンビエントとはちょっと異質で、ワープレーベルでのインテリジェンステクノやブリープを通過した後の、エレクトロニックな記号とちょっと苦手なエコ/ニューエイジ世界が少々入り混じったもので、ボクのアーカイヴページOblique Strategies / Bricolage- Rising High Records1 / Ambient Collection/Chillout or Die ( 2009年04月26日 ) では「 ナムルックは、80年代にはフュージョンバンドのギタリストとして活動していたらしいが、ギタリストが電子音楽を展開すると、必ずと言っていいほど70年代プログレッシヴ・ロックになる。90年代にドイツのPodレーベルから過剰なほど多作なCDを発表していたが、その多くが駄作だったし、これまで発表されたCDアルバムだけで150作以上の数になるというから驚く 。その作品の多くがアナログシンセサイザーによる70年代のドイツのエレクトロニック・ミュージック、プログレッシヴ・ロックであった。90年代後半にDark Side of The Moog ( DSOTM ) シリーズで共演したクラウス・シュルツェから年代物の巨大なモーグ・シンセサイザーを買い取ったほどだというから、彼のシンセサイザー・ミュージックの世界は概ね見当がつくだろう。Pete Namlook と Dr. Atmoによるサイレンスとドリームフイッシュ ( このジャケットのコンピュータ・グラフィックスは素晴らしい ) も、波のようなうねり、東洋音階、ヴォイス、神秘などの記号が散りばめられたドローンな、チル・アウト・ミュージックで、ボクにはタンジェリンドリームやクラウス・シュルツェのシンセサイザー・ミュージックと、アシュラテンプルが融合した70年代プログレッシヴ・ロックの再現に聴こえたが、きっと若いクラウドには未知の音楽で新鮮に聴こえたのだろう 」と書いている。今回Faxレーベルを初めて紹介した意図は、3年前に書いた文章をまるで撤回するかのようだが、曲によっては、Entropyレコードや、Monolake、Bvdub、Deepchord、Echospace、Echocordなどの現在のミニマルダブ、ダブテクノ、ダークアンビエントのCD/レコードをDJイングするExperience Zero Gravityをフロアに構築するには、このFaxサウンドが不可欠だから、という思いからと ( 不思議と尖端の音楽とこのFaxサウンドがマッチする ) 、Faxレーベルのサウンドイメージにあったボクの苦手な ( 概念や音楽ではなくそうしたエコタイプの人間がねw ) トランスやニューエイジ、スピリチュアル、自然志向という固定されたままになっている意味をすべて排除し解体して、ナムルック自ら語っているように、社会的・文化的・精神的に影響力を持つような環境=エンバイロメント( environment ) な運動としてのアンビエントとして捉えるなら、この間発売されたWolfgang Voigtの「 Ruckverzauberung 6 」のような、もっと記号的でモダンなシンセサイザーミュージック、エレクトロニックとして聴き再解釈し直しても許されるだろう。そうすると音楽は当時見えなかったものが見えてくるのだ。

( 90年代中期のクラブ/エレクトロニック系の古いレコードコレクションを整理していたら、アンビエントハウスだけでもこのレーベル以外にrecycle or dieやambient、sm;)e、Sourceレーベルなどの作品が多く出て来た。これらも機会を見つけて再解釈しなおし、いずれ紹介しなきゃ、と 。90年代から2000年代のクラブの文脈にあるテクノ/エレクトロニック系でのメディアに取り上げられることもなく闇に消えたまま埋もれていった現在の尖端音楽に繋がる名盤のなんと多いことか。時間を見つけて早く整理してアーカイヴしてあげたい )。

Aliens In My Suitcase (1:03:00)
1. Aliens In My Suitcase (Intruder 1)
2. Aliens In My Suitcase (Intruder 2)
3. Aliens In My Suitcase (Intruder 3)
4. Aliens In My Suitcase (Intruder 4)
5. Aliens In My Suitcase (Intruder 5)
6. Aliens In My Suitcase (Intruder 6)
7. Aliens In My Suitcase (Intruder 7)
8. Aliens In My Suitcase (Intruder 8)
9. Aliens In My Suitcase (Intruder 9)
music composed by Pete Namlook
Traben - Trarbach 1994
sound sources - EMS Synthi AKS
Roland TR 606
special thanks to:
Dorothee Ciupke
Ludwig Rehberg of EMS
limitation: 1000
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1994

Pete Namlook's Slice (Part 1)

**monkeygra / 2009/04/07
feature on German musician Pete Namlook, proprietor of FAX +49-69/450464
from issue 3-07 of Slices, the electronic music magazine
Electronic Beats
EB-DVD 011
15 September 2007
encoded by Tamas
fixed up, re-encoded, and uploaded to YouTube by Kyle
all of it for the FAXlist
slices is a free magazine, so don't nobody try to make any money off of this

Pete Namlook
Real Name:
Peter Kuhlmann
Peter Namlook is one of the most influential figures of electronic and ambient music in the 1990s. Inspired by Oskar Sala, one of the pioneers of electronic music, Namlook focused on the untapped potential of analogue synthesizers, often developed or extended in his laboratory.
Freshly educated in composition from Goethe University, Pete Namlook (Pete Kuhlmann) started his career in Frankfurt playing in the electronic ensemble Romantic Warrior that was loosely part of the new age and electronic scene. They cut Romantic Warrior (Frog, 1985), Himalaya (Frog, 1986), Planet (Blue Flame, 1988).
In 1991 he began a second life as a disc jockey playing techno music under the moniker Sequential.
The single True Colours changed his career and a good chunk of modern music. Kuhlmann assumed the identity of Pete Namlook, opened his own Fax label and made his first album, Silence (Fax, 1992), a collaboration with Dr Atmo (and one of the first albums released only on compact disc).
Namlook understood that producing was more important than recording and he set out to discover, encourage and promote music by ambient electronic artists. During the first year alone, his label released over 100 records and CDs. The label name refers to the "fax" as a medium for fast and cheap distribution of ideas. Its humble weekly releases are equivalent to sending a fax to a group of friends.
His double albums are containers of lengthy ambient suites reminiscent of Germany's kosmische school of the 1970s and of Brian Eno's late 1970s "discreet" music, but also influenced by his two true love: eastern and classical music. No musical genre was a direct influence, though: Namlook has always claimed that Nature was his main teacher


1. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 1)
2. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 2)
3. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 3)
4. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 4)
5. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 5)
6. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 6)
7. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 7)
8. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 8)
9. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 9)
10. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 10)
11. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 11)
12. From The Earth To The Ceiling (Part 12)
all tracks written by Pete Namlook & Bill Laswell
Outland Frankfurt 1994
mongolian voices and instruments - recorded in Ulaan Bator, Mongolia Aug. 1994
by OZ Fritz and Nicky Skopelitis
produced by Pete Kuhlmann
special thanks to Elisabeth / Fabia / Kathrin
Klaus Schulze
Ludwig Rehberg of EMS
Rudiger Frannkenbach
material inc. Tracy mcKnight Axiom - Pete Wetherbce / Bill Murphy
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1994

From the earth to the ceiling I - Pete Namlook & Bill Laswell - Outland

1. Earl Of Burlington
2. Tower To A Wall
3. Clockwork
4. Blue Depression
5. Appendix
6. Finis
all tracks written by Pete Namlook & Ludwig Rehberg
except 6 by Pete Namlook
The Putney Frankfurt 1994
Volker Muller of WDR Studio Cologne
EMS TEAM of England & Germany
Yvonne Lottgers & Philipp Schumacher
Mama Luise
Mrs. Vogel
Kurt Wiegard & Sven of Bozen
nigel Vivian - The Hertz Hunter
The EMS Fathers - Robin Wood, Richard Lambert, David Cockerell, Tim Orr & P.Z.
instrument used on this album;
EMS Synthi AKS, EMS Synthi 100, EMS Ringmodulator, EMS Vocoder 3000, EMS Logic, EMS Vocoder 5000, Obertheim 4Voice
limited to 1000 copies
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1995

The Putney 01 - Appendix (Part I)

**rtmnmk / 2011/01/02
This is the complete rip of The Putney VHS, which was released on FAX +49-69/450464 records, 18 Dec 1995 and contains tracks from the two Putney albums. Only 500 Copies PAL format and 500 copies in NTSC format were made.
Back sleeve says:
"This video was created by using an EMS Videosizer which is fed with musical information in order to produce and treat color, shape, lightness and contrast of the visual information.Pete Namlook is a purist. He never wanted to release a video with grinning musicians fuzzing around with their instruments or 3D animation which has not the timeless quality. More Important is the direct connection to the music.Visuals not as an explanation of the sound but more an enhancement and intensification of the overall musical experience.
Operator at the machine was Ludwig Rehberg except Video 1 (Pete Namlook)"

1. Evening Cloud
2. Clusterbend
3. The Orchid Trap
4. Green Lava
5. Shellground
all tracks written by redruM & Mark P.
Modula Green - Frankfurt 1995
limited to 1000 copies
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1995

Modula Green - Clusterbend

1. Monochill
2. Voltage Control
3. No Comment
4. Compress It
5. Dub
all tracks written by Pino & Wildjamin
The MS-Series Frankfurt 1995
thanks to; Udo, Rene, Chris, Soul
limited 1000 copies
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1995

Pino & Wildjamin - Compress It (1995)

1. OH/IR
2. Yuma
3. Skygod
4. Under The Radar
5. Astralbohrer
6. Undreamt
7. Tremendum
8. Plebos
all tracks written by David Reeves
Otras - Guelph, Canada 1994
special thanks to;
Bill Buschert - Additional Synthesis on Skygod
Steve Brenner - Technical Support
Wendy Morgan
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1995

David Reeves "973.070" [Otras, 1995]

**Raiment57 / 2011/06/17
Just wanted to upload this track by David Reeves but ended up having a bit of fun with the video. See http://2350.org/ps60/ for more info.

1. Bonefactory
2. Lunar Icing
3. Spaced Out
4. Snap Jack
5. X-O-Lyde
6. Solid Pressure
7. Celophane
all tracks written by Dandy Jack & Victor Sol
XJacks are Dandy Jack + Victor Sol
recorded 1994 at Noitect/Barcelona
photographs by Captain Panama
this record is dedicated to you, insect commander!
limited 1000 copies
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1995

XJacks - Bonefactory

1. ETI Encoding
2. Eternal ∞
3. Liquid Water
4. Highlow
5. Another Green Airport
all tracks written by Victor Sol & Niko Heyduck
except 1,2,3 with Atom Heart
recorded between 1986 and 1994
at PNG Studios, Secret Vo Ese Studio,
sel i / s / c and Noitect, Sector A
digital editing and final mix by Victor Sol at Noitect / Barcelona
thank you; Alain Stocha Baumann
for digital editing facilities
Wolfgang Warmbold for tapemachines,
Peter Voigt / Captain Panama
and Peter Weiss, Pink Elln / Tobias,
Margret + Angela + our parents for support
*low volume listering recommended
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1995

Aerial Service Area - Liquid Water

I.F. / I.F.2 ( PS 08/56 )
1. Dub 1
2. Underwater
3. Dub 2
4. Intergalactic Funk
all tracks written by Dr. Atmo & Deep Space Network
I.F. is Deep Space Network ( David Moufang + Jonas Grossmann )
and Dr. Atmo
I.F. - Heidelberg / Frankfurt 1994
recorded at Resource Studio Heidelberg
cover photos by Charles Uzzell-Edwards
limited 1000 cpies
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1994

I.F. 2 - Underwater

1. Loop 6 (Part 1)
2. Loop 6 (Part 2)
3. Loop 6 (Part 3)
4. Loop 6 (Part 4)
5. Loop 6 (Part 5)
6. Loop 6 (Part 6)
7. Loop 6 (Part 7)
all tracks written by Chris Meloche
this version of "Recurring Dreams of the Urban Myth" is condensed - but not compromised - for issue in the CD format. The complete six hour version was premiered on CHRW-FM (London, Canada) in May 1994.
this is an ambient, environmental electroacoustic work that, once set into motion, takes on a life of its own
recorded at Rough Cut Studio, London, Canada
Recurring Dream Of The Urban Myth - London, Canada 1994
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1994

Chris Meloche - Dream Sequence I

**macca801- 2011/12/04
"Dream Sequence I" is a short film by Canadian composer and multi-media artist Chris Meloche. It is an abstract and surreal glimpse into the world of dreams featuring manipulated images sourced from a number of locations across the North of England. The soundtrack is by the Transmorphous Sound Ensemble which is Meloche's collaborative venture along with Richard Moule. It is an excerpt from their work "Meta-Zone III".
Original photographs, photo manipulation & video production: Chris Meloche
Soundscape: Transmorphous Sound Ensemble (Chris Meloche & Richard Moule)
Photo locations: Sheffield, Liverpool, Manchester, Chatsworth & Bridlington, England
Thanks for inspiration: Simon Robinson, Martin Archer & Stuart Maconie
All rights reserved 2011

1. Monochrome Existence (Part 1)
2. Monochrome Existence (Part 2)
3. Monochrome Existence (Part 3)
4. Monochrome Existence (Part 4)
5. Monochrome Existence (Part 5)
6. Monochrome Existence (Part 6)
all tracks written by Bill Laswell & Tetsu Inoue
created at Greenpoint Brooklyn
engineering and programming; Robert Musso
assistant; Layng Martine
subharmonic; Robert Soares
material inc; Tracy McKnight
axiom/ambient; Peter Wetherbee / Bill Murphy
photograph; Ernst Haas
Cymatic Scan - New York 1994
limited 1000 copies
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1994

Bill Laswell e Tetsu Inoue - Monochrome existence

1. Time Wave
2. Low Space Monitor
3. Time Span Zero
4. Space After
5. Over The Next Rise
6. Dream To Dream
7. Cascading Down Illusion
8. Outerzone (Space After)
9. Under Flow
all tracks written by Robert Musso
recorded at Greenpoint Brooklyn
Transonic - New York 1994
Bill Laswell - bass
made in Germany
Fax +49-69/450464 1994

Fax +49-69/450464
Profile: Fax +49-69/450464 was founded in late 1992 by Peter Kuhlmann. It was distributed via Neuton.
FAX's own releases are distinguished by the catalogue numbers.
Catalog numbers starting with PK (Peter Kuhlmann) feature work by Pete Namlook (= Peter Kuhlmann), either solo or in collaboration with other artists.
Catalog numbers starting with PS (Peter's Sublabel) are for releases by other artists, without Namlook's involvement.
Catalog numbers starting with PW (Peter's Worldlabel) indicate collaborations of a more international character than the above (PK and PS releases are mainly, although not exclusively, German artists). The "World" sublabel should not be confiused with the Ambient World sublabel.
The FAX releases are strictly limited, depending on the project. Most released are produced in editions of 500, 1000, 2000 or 3000 copies.
Some specific titles were licensed out to other labels (Music Man Records, R & S Records and Rising High Records to name the most common licensees) for unlimited distribution in FAX's early days. Due to problems with distribution and licensing, the in-house Ambient World sublabel was founded to handle re-releases of out-of-print Fax titles.
Ambient World is a sublabel of FAX, catalog numbers starting with AW. AW only publishes re-releases with unlimited distribution, but with a different cover design (and occasionally different tracks or edits).
There are a few other special catalog numbers: FAX Musical Postcards were issued in very limited quantities as part of the Season's Greetings series and have the SEA catalog numbers. Yesterday And Tomorrow releases are used for an ambient/classical fusion and recieve the YT catalog numbers. The PKPWPS catalog numbers are used for compilations.
Most people are confused by the artist naming. The project names of collaborations are the artist name.
Labelcode: LC 6269
Ambient World, Rather Interesting, Yesterday & Tomorrow
Contact Info:
Eulengasse 62
60385 Frankfurt a.M.
Fon: +49-69/467452
Fax: +49-69/450464
Sites: namlook.de, music.hyperreal.org/labels/fax, 2350.org

Fax +49-69/450464

1. A Saucerful Of Ambience
all tracks written by Pete Namlook & Klaus Schulze
recorded at Sonic Studio October 1993
special thanks to; Elizabeth / Fabia / Kathrin
Ludwig Rehberg of EMS
Rudiger Frankenbach
Charles Uzzell-Edwards
Turgay of Turgay Audio
Fifi Schulze
Charly Hohr
made in Germany
limited 1000 copies
Fax +49-69/450464 1995

Klaus Schulze - Pete Namlook - The Dark Side of The Moog 2 - A Saucerful of Ambience 11

**mrcosmiclove1 / 2010/05/27
Visuals: Movie put together from Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) all-sky camera auroral photos

« Momus: Samoa-Scotia-Sonata | メイン | encode + exhibition Northern Mysteries and Magick – post industrial music ll »


2012年04月03日 19:47 に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「 Momus: Samoa-Scotia-Sonata 」です。

次の投稿は「 encode + exhibition Northern Mysteries and Magick – post industrial music ll 」です。


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